Monday, November 7, 2016

Zootopia Analysis

                The movie Zootopia highlighted multiple problems in today’s world. Looking at the movie through the lens of a college student, instead of that of a child, I noticed several commentaries on discrimination, cultural appropriation, and politically correct language.

                When the movie started, the setting was in a theatre, literally and figuratively setting the stage for the movie, as the protagonist was expressing views that seemed unheard of in the small town in which she lived. Then, the setting shifted to a rural town, and I immediately noticed how the Gideon the fox, who had a narrow minded view on the world, had a strong southern accent and was alluded to be illiterate. I considered this to be a nod to how people equate the south and other rural areas with being socially backwards.

When the protagonist Judy leaves for the city, however, everything seems better on the surface. Things appeared as if they were accessible to all; the apple juice vendor had a machine that raised the cups up to the giraffes as a commentary how food is supposed to be plentiful in a eutopia. As Judy settles into the city she finds herself facing discrimination at work and living in a small apartment with noisy neighbors; the film is pointing out how we generalize these areas as being a certain way, but it is really in the hands of the individual. The movie displays the government as corrupt and pretentious in helping its people; the night howler problem is similar to the theory that drugs were introduced to the inner city by the government.

                We were exposed to cultural appropriation and politically correct language throughout the movie. The scene in which the cat calls Judy “cute,” she tells him that it’s okay for bunnies to call each other cute, but other animals cannot call them “cute.” That kind of sounded like black people can say the n-word, but other people cannot say it because it seems racist, or, if we equate the predators with masculinity and the prey with femininity, then the Cat was cat-calling her. Later in the film, the Fox touches the sheep’s wooly hair because he is curious - it benefits him - and Judy tells him that he cannot touch the sheep’s wooly hair.

                Despite these commentaries, it seemed as if the movie pointed out how it’s easy to slip, in regards to how we address each other. For example, at one point in the movie, the Fox calls the Judy “cute,” but, as we established earlier, only bunnies could call each other cute. In addition to that, I found it ironic that the film was progressive in its views, but it included the Italian mobster stereotype as well as the jersey shore Italian stereotype. Perhaps, these insertions were meant to point out that some things are the way they are.

                Overall, Zootopia was more than just a message of “never judge a book by its cover” or “be nice and fair to each other,” as its target audience, little children, may perceive it. Some may even call it too radical too even be a children’s movie because it was more blatant than other children movies in regards to its innuendoes. With the way things are going, my guess is that the purpose for that was to introduce these themes to kids very early so that they know that it is not okay to mistreat people based on their gender, for example.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


I was thinking about writing an analysis about Zootopia being a movie that shows that you can do anything you put your mind to. How there can be one place for everyone. But it’s not true and Zootopia shows just that. Every species of animal needs a different need met. A polar bear cannot live in the desert, on the opposite end a camel can’t live in the artic. When the main character Judy jumps into Little Rodenta it shows the absurdity behind “a place for everyone”.  Zootopia shows one great place where every animal can be together but there are still restrictions between each animal. I do understand that the movie is making huge cultural references and showing the hypocrisy and ultimately stupid things that are happening in the U.S. Very blatantly the movie shows the issues with race that the nation is facing. The fox Nick is stereotyped as a convict by Judy before she ever got to meet him because of past experiences she had. Although Nick turns out to be deceitful it is later shown that others expect him to be that way so he just goes into his role set by society. There is a simultaneously two lessons taught at the same time between too opposite characters. Perseverance is shown by Judy with her expectations of being a cop and then being pushed aside because she is a rabbit. Most people would have given up but she believed in herself even when the peoples closest to her didn’t. If my sister didn’t push me to do better or even, try harder I wouldn’t have made it to college but that just because I didn’t have the perseverance to push myself. The movie makes me want to not only be a better person but try something new. But out of all the life lesson the movie teaches I still think it shows not everyone is going to be completely equal and at the same time not everyone is going to like everyone. In the end we all have to live on one planet and tolerate each other.

Saturday, November 5, 2016


Zootopia is a great animated film which seems geared towards an audience of young children, but truthfully this film has so much meaning and depth that only an older person could understand, but it can hopefully shape the minds of its young viewers. Zootopia is clearly meant to represent a utopia due to its name, but it has much more than the name in common; Zootopia has the main parts of a utopian narrative that allow it to be understood and interpreted as one.  Warning: SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! TURN BACK IF YOU HAVENT SEEN THIS MOVIE YET!!!! If Zootopia is to be watched as a utiopian-esque narrative the clear social change that is intended to make the titular city so utopic is the equality between the majority and minority, which can be directly related to the United States’ inequalities and stereotypes. In the film, there is initially a clear thought of how predators – the minority – tend to be the criminals in this city. This seems to fall in line with the sad truth that there are many people who believe that the minority in the United States are the only causes of crime. Then as the movie progresses people begin to fear predators more and more as the cases of predators “going savage” rises. Zootopia’s citizens are fear stricken by the minority and are seen avoiding them as much as possible. In a scene on a train a mother rabbit is seen scooting her child away from a lion who appears very friendly and has a smile on his face. This overall division between predator and prey even goes as far as to drive a wedge between the stories two main characters. This underlying fear of the minority is seen in many places around the U.S. and is a true problem in society that is clearly addressed in the movie. As the plot further develops it is revealed that a prey, Assistant Mayor Bellwether, was behind the predators “going savage” and the racism between predator and prey subsides. The utopian idea behind this movie is that racism and prejudices will not exist in a utopia. This strange new land which Judy Hopps arrives in is meant to be her utopia in which the differences between predator and prey, as seen in the relationship between foxes and rabbits in her home town, no longer exist. Upon her initial return home after her split from Nick Wilde, the male lead, her parents, who were avidly filled with distrust towards foxes, have begun trying to be more open minded and started working with the fox who bullied Judy in her youth. This shows the main character bringing the social change back when she leaves the utopia. Zootopia has a main character who finds herself in a new place where there is a clear social difference from where she came, it shows the structure of the government and explains how it came to be, and it has the character go back to her home and witness the social change there. Clearly Zootopia has more than just the name in common with a utopia, and hopefully this utopic idea is realized as the children this film was targeted for come to age and recognize the split between majority and minority in our own society. 



The movie Zootopia uses the relationship of animals in nature and borrows elements of real life to show the trials and successes that minorities might face in adjusting or integrating in society. The movie addresses the societal issues of discrimination by introducing audiences to a new world divided between preys and predators. The movie highlights the inferiority of minorities as the Mayor is a lion, a predator, and the assistant mayor is a sheep. A racial allegory is produced when Judy Hopps, becomes the first bunny to ever be part of the Zootopia police force. Her induction was made possible by the Mammal Inclusion Initiative which appears to symbolize affirmative action. But surprisingly, the predators are a minority in Zootopia and are largely outnumbered by their prey counterparts. When predators that escape turn to savages, returning to the ways things have ben in the past, this symbolizes the belief that minorities will never be superior and shall always fall victim to those with privilege and power. The acceptance of Judy to the police force may also symbolize women working in roles the are primarily seen for men.
Image result for zootopia

Anyone can be anything

"Zootopia: A place where anyone can be anything" to start off, is by itself a very powerful quote - targetted towards the real world, where there are multitudes of constraints and restriction for a person to be whatever they want to be. It is thought of as a Utopia in various lights - it envisions a place where predators and prey live in harmony - a place where there are virtually a huge number of opportunities available to anyone regardless of who they are - it is a place that is welcoming to any species of animals; and has eco-systems to account for the 'home-like' feel that it can provide - thus symbolising unity in diversity. To what is thought of as such a Utopia, however, there is a dystopic side.  This dystopia stems from the fact that, Utopias are extremely subjective. What for one may be a Utopia, needn't necessarily be so for another. This is what we see, scattered throughout the movie. Say for example, even though the Utopia is a place where predators and prey live in harmony, and that there is an opportunity everywhere for everyone - it did not stop the predators from stereotyping the prey in certain aspects - attributing their mockery towards the DNA of the prey. The same works the other way too. Some instances from the movie would be 
"The bunny is going to get eaten alive" (Calwhauser, when Judy goes to work for her first day) "Didn't forget. Just don't care" (Chief Bogo, on Judy's first day of work)
and so much more. We could see the same sterio-typing happening the other way around too
"We reserve the right to reserve service to anyone" (The elephant at the ice cream store denying the request of a fox, just because he is, a fox.) 
(paraphrased) "It is a trait in their DNA, to go savage.." (Judy Hopps at the press conference).
It is this Stereotypical issues that arose from Subjectivity - that then led the Utopia to crumble into a dystopia that went against everything that Zootopia once stood for. (Asst.) Mayor Bellweather was not ready to accept the existing definition of the Utopia - she wanted her own version of the Utopia to be practiced - Zootopia as a place where the prey rose over the predators, and then ruled them (in contrast to the world before Zootopia, where the prey lived in constant fear of the predator) Even though this is indeed a Utopia for all the prey, it became a dystopia for the predators - a place where they can no longer act freely, or even move around in public freely - living in the constant fear of going savage. It also became a dystopia to Judy Hopps (a meek prey), because it went against everything she has ever thought of about Zootopia as a kid - the dreams that actually made her come to Zootopia in the first place. 
Thus, in essence, we can, in some sense establish that there are good and bad versions of Utopia, but only in a comparative sense. In our case as compared to a Utopia where prey ruled over the predators,  the Utopia where predators and prey live together in harmony (which by extension can encapsulate a huge variety of species, living together without dispute - Where there is no one to rule others. Every species is treated as equal) seems really better. All of this, However, allude to the fact that good and bad utopias are only comparative in nature, because to a lamb, born seven generations later, if Bellweather had had her way, a place where the prey ruled over the predators would seem like a really good Utopia because they did not have to live in constant fear of the predators anymore (Like their ancestors once did). 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Anyone can be Anything

     Zootopia, the place where “Anyone can be Anything!”  Or, so it is thought by the rambunctious, “cute” bunny, Judy Hopps who is an optimistic animal determined on being the first bunny police officer in Zootopia history.  The story starts with a young Judy setting the scene for the audience, describing how the once wild predators and prey overcame their biology, to create the highly diverse city of Zootopia.  In Judy’s hometown of Bunnyborough, her parents try to convince her that being a police officer in Zootopia is unpractical for a small countryside bunny, however Judy sees Zootopia as this utopic world where she can break the carrot farming stereotype. 
     Zootopia, in my opinion, is one of the most utopic worlds Disney has produced.  Disney created this setting where prey and predator coincide in their specific habitats that are interconnected with the slogan “Anyone can be Anything.”  Judy believes that she can move to this city of opportunity and be treated equally among ever other animal, big or small.  On her journey to Zootopia, Judy listens to the hit single “Try Everything” by Gazelle, which inspires her that this wondrous city will provide her the equality that she has always wanted.  However, her utopic view of Zootopia is nearly destroyed as her first assignment as a police officer, is writing tickets for cars, despite her success at the police academy.  Throughout Zootopia the audience follows Judy on her journey which unveils the true nature of this utopic world.

    Much like Judy, Assistant Mayor Bellweather feels unappreciated, and thus decides to shatter the utopian world, by turning the prey on the “savage” predators.  This goes to show that utopias are not necessarily actual places, they are just views and perspectives of the world by a specific person.  For example, Judy saw Zootopia as a place where all the animals happily coexist, and Assistant Mayor Bellweather decides that it is a place where the bigger predators step on the smaller prey to stay in power.  However, this is contradictory as one of the biggest crime bosses in Zootopia, Mr. Big, is a tiny shrew.  Along with that contradiction there are several other contradictions, that are present throughout Zootopia.  For example, Judy was encouraged by her parents to fear foxes, and even when she moves to Zootopia, this place where all are equal, she continues to carry fox repellent.  This goes to show that even though Zootopia was created for prey and predator to coexist, there is still an inner instinct to fear, and generally be racist against the predators.  Near the end of the film, newly inaugurated Mayor Bellweather states how the prey can create their own utopia free of predators, but Judy nobly declines realizing that Zootopia should be a city free of prejudice.  This reflects in our society now, where if us humans discontinue to stereotype certain groups of people, we could create a world where anyone can be anything. 


The film Zootopia had several controversial themes that reflected on our society today. One of the themes that was highlighted was stereotyping. All of the animals in their world were automatically assumed to have a certain character or work a certain job depending on what animal they were. For example, the fox, Nick, was assumed to be sneaky and untrustworthy because of the stereotypical idea that foxes are conniving. Although it turned out that he was, in fact, a con artist, we saw that it wasn't because he was a fox that he ended up that way, it was due to society telling him that that was who he was. Also, the main character, Judy, is stereotyped by society as a weak bunny who will always just be a carrot farmer. A part of the plot in the movie is her overcoming that stereotype and becoming the first "prey" police officer. By the end of the movie, we see that there are prey animals as well as predators in the police force which shows us that anyone can become anything they want, no matter what stereotype is placed upon them. Another large theme in Zootopia is corruption. We see the corruption at several points throughout the movie, for example when Chief Bogo would not allow Judy to do any real police work and attempted to get her fired simply because she was a prey. Also, when the mayor was covering up for the predators "going savage" due to his personal conflictions in it. And perhaps the biggest corruption in the film; the assistant mayor turning the prey against the predator by causing them to "go savage". The film is filled with governmental corruption and manipulation of the people which you can't help but notice is relflecting on the world today.

Zootopia Analysis: Zootopia=America

Disney has always been good at making family friendly movies that everyone can enjoy with Zootopia, not being an exception. Every scene brings joy to the kids watching it, but can bring an ominous and familiar feeling to others. The group of people having these ominous feelings are usually adults because they see things that kids overlook. Though a close analysis can reveal that this movie is familiar because of one thing. Zootopia is exactly like America with the only difference being that animals are replacing human roles. This can be seen by analyzing the environment and social structure of Zootopia while comparing it to America’s own lifestyle.
The environment of Zootopia is one that’s splits between 12 districts with it forming one union. All these 12 districts are considered one union because they are led by one mayor and share collective ideas. This mayor works in collaboration with the government and police force to maintain Zootopia’s amity. All of the things surrounding their structure can be mirrored into what America does. In America, there is only 50 states that work differently but are considered unified. America also has a leader which is the president whom guides their citizens along with a having a police force to maintain order. These similarities run even deeper by looking at every small detail of Zootopia atmosphere. In one scene, Officer Hoops and Nick arrive at DMV run by Sloths while searching for a clue on a case. These sloths are slow to represent how slow DMV’s are in America. Another scene show’s a mouse existing a store called Mousy’s which is basically a Macy’s for mice.
Social structure of Zootopia also has a direct resemblance to how America functions. In the movie, there’s two group’s: Predators and Prey. Although there’s supposed to be peace, each group is met with prejudice and stereotypes from the other. In one scene, Nick is trying to buy a popsicle for his fake sun and is rejected service because he’s a fox. Although this scene was humorously because it’s found out later that Nick was being a fraud, the message of discrimination still stands. This scene can correlate with a human being denied service because of their race or beliefs. The animals that are in charge can be seen as huge and male. This is seen with Mayor Lionheart and Chief Bogo who are both huge male’s in their respective fields. Their social structure of having big males in the top can be seen in America as well. In congress, the ratio of male to female is 445:95 with women still holding few seats in congress despite it being 2016.  
These hidden messages found in Zootopia are what makes it such an impactful movie. Kids may view it as just a funny comedy, but a close analysis reveal’s it to be how America actually operates. Acknowledgment of these movie problems being real is what's needed to fix them in America. 


While watching Zootopia, I noticed that at first I was blinded by how ‘perfect’ Zootopia was and how everyone there is free to do whatever they desire, for instance, Judy Hopps, the bunny, but then as I continued to watch it I noticed that Zootopia isn’t all that ‘perfect’. For those of you who haven’t watched it, it’s about how certain animals in Zootopia fake the savageness of others in order to have their way. In other words, the Mayor’s assistance along with other prey planned a way to target predators so that they would be watched and taken out of Zootopia. When I saw this I thought of how it related to today’s society where certain people are looked at in negative ways because of how they look. In Zootopia all the animals who had “killing instincts” in their DNA such as lions, otters, tigers, etc. were looked at as violent in a place where all the animals lived in harmony, where they coexisted.  Of course there is a sense of fear that some of the prey might have, but that doesn't mean their correct about it. A lot like today, anyone who wears a turban and has a long beard is looked at as a terrorist and any African American is looked at as ‘bad’ just because of how they look. A part of me wants to believe that the director and writer of this movie planned this on purpose so that the world would understand that just because an individual looks a certain way doesn’t mean that’s who they really are. I feel that the directors/writers felt the need to show the world that this is how our community looks and how it’s wrong. Even though the movie is an animation and may only appeal to younger audience because it has animals as its characters rather than humans, it reflects today’s world and how the audience is looking at something that is what’s happening now. Zootopia may seem like the perfect place because it’s a place where a bunny like Judy is le to become a cop, but in reality Zootopia is only perfect to some animals but not to all, and that’s why the sheep feel the need to change it. 

Zootopia Analysis

Zootopia brings to light a mature message throughout its screen time. The city of Zootopia is supposed to be a utopia in which all animals, whether they are predator or prey, can live in harmony. Judy Hopps, the rabbit main protagonist of the movie, describes her view of Zootopia as a place where “anybody can be anything”, and the song “Try Everything” tells its listeners to never give up and to try even though they might fail. Zootopia is a place where animals are given the opportunity to do anything they would like to do, and while this may be the ideal situation, the issue preventing this to be true is the distrust between predator and prey. Throughout the movie, predators discriminated against by the majority of the city, as “prey outnumber predators ten to one”. The first time the viewers see this discrimination is when Judy profiles Nick Wilde, the movie’s fox protagonist, as suspicious due to his species and the fact that he seemed to be skulking around. Right after, Nick is denied purchase of a Popsicle due to the fact that he is a predator, and that the owner has the right to do deny this of him. Nick later on in the movie explains that he wanted to be a scout when he was little, but was muzzled and completely humiliated by the other scouts present exclaiming that they would never let a fox be a scout. The uneasiness of Zootopia’s citizens grows to new heights when predators seemingly revert back into a “savage” state of mind. This causes the prey of the city to fear predators greatly. This can be seen in a scene in which a predator sits down on a train next to a mother and child who are prey, and the mother looks very uncomfortable and fearful of the predator. The mother grabs her child and holds them close to keep them away from the predator who may “go savage” at any point from their point of view. Another point in which Clawhauser, a leopard who attends the front desk of the police department, is moved away from sight as the department did not want someone’s first view entering the department to be a predator. Zootopia seems like the perfect utopia in which everyone has a chance to chase their dreams from the outside, but below the surface lies the fact that the schism between prey and predator still remains open no matter how many times they say that they have evolved and left those times behind.

Zootopia Analysis

Zootopia is an interesting movie. It is a utopia for animals where everyone appears to live in harmony. Throughout the movie you see subtle hints about the deeper meaning of the story. Racism, discrimination, and prejudice is demonstrated all through the movie. From the beginning discrimination is shown in the movie. There is a scene where the main character bunny Judy gets bullied by a fox called Gideon. He tells her that her dream of becoming a cop is stupid and she should stick to carrot-farming. This is a perfect example of a discriminatory mindset and can correlate to reflect humans’ reactions with other humans. When you have certain characteristics, people assume ideas about you even though they may not be true. It is a common occurrence in society and it is also displayed in Zootopia. This stems from events that happened in the past. That is true in both American history and in the history of Zootopia. The past dictates how we view other people and the prejudices that we may form against them. For example, in the movie Zootopia the predators were looked down upon because of the past. It was natural for them at that time to kill the majority for their survival. Years later that all changed and there was still an unwavering doubt that the predators haven't changed. There is evidence of this when the animals start to fight after Judy says that their biology might have triggered the response. It made the prey animals defensive against predators and drove a line between their kinds. There was no more unity and the animals were scared of the unknown. Fear is what drives people apart is it a reoccurring theme that is shown throughout the movie. When the animals didn’t know what happening, it caused them to shift their behavior for the worse. The same happens in American society between people of different races. It has a lengthy past originating from slavery.  Overall the movie Zootopia teaches us an extremely important message, we should not judge what we do not know.


For a "movie for kids", Zootopia had a very grown, mature message.There were plenty of deeper, more meaningful things in the movie that relate directly to what's going on in todays world. For example, The relation between predator and prey have a lot of similarities to racism between white and blacks. I hope its not my mind finding the dark in every situation but there were multiple scenes of this being displayed. For example, around the beginning of the movie, there was a scene where a the fox (Nick), who is a predator, was denied ice cream from a store because of who he is. This reminds me of the bad ole days where blacks were refused service by plenty of places with white owners, around the 1950s, 1960s. There was another scene of such discrimination being shown. Near the end of the movie, when discussing how the predators, which in my eyes are African-Americans, were all turning violent and couldn't be controlled, there was another scene. When on the train, a tiger, which is a predator, sat down on the train and started reading a newspaper, doing nothing wrong. However, when a mother rabbit, who is "prey", saw the predator sit down she moved her little bunny daughter close to her, visibly scared and shook. Zootopia is supposed to be a perfect place, free of all issues but its not. Kind of similar to how some white politicians think that the United States used to be "great", when slavery and Jim Crow still ran the town. All in all, Zootopia is a great movie with a great message. At the end, it was proven predator and prey can get along, just as white and blacks should be able to. The world may never be perfect, the people in power may never be perfect, but its the people, who make the difference in the end. I would give Zootopia 10/10 rating on my Yelp account if I had one.


Zootopia is a utopian society in which all animals, predator and prey, are able to live in harmony with one another. Throughout the movie, the many stereotypes that exist among animals were confronted which, through the animals of this society, presented how this utopia somewhat failed as being a utopia. This society is meant to be a place where “anybody can be anything” but it is seen in the film that small animals were constantly being put down and told that they were too small to handle certain tasks. Having a lion as a mayor and small sheep as the assistant is an example of how bigger animals are stereotyped to be commanding, powerful, superior beings. Another example of Zootopia failing as a utopia is the crime and corruption that took place in the film. The scheme of turning prey against predator to bring down a whole society showed how easily a community could be manipulated and torn apart.
On the other hand, Zootopia does have a few things about it that does help it function as a utopia. The city possesses numerous habitats that resemble and function like any natural habitat for the animals that inhabit it. Having a jungle and a town made of ice and snow are examples of how each animal in this society is able to live comfortably in their natural habitats.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Dutch SS-Storm Magazine published "Liberators" in 1944 as part of a anti-america socialist movement. This image uses irony to depict the United States as false heroes. The central figure in the image represents the United States, and is made up of all it's problems. The lower right arm depicts the high criminal activity and gun violence  in the 40s. Miss Victory on the creature left wing, along with the female right leg represents the prejudice against women in the history of the United States. On the right shoulder of this figure is Miss America. She wears a head dress which portrays the mistreatment of natives americans. The two black arms, one holding a record the other a boxing glove holding a money back, embodies the only to ways a black man can make it in America, this being in music or sports. The noose hanging from the black arm and the hood the figure wears, represent the Ku Klux Klan and america's issue with racism. The pilot wings on the creatures back, along with it's nuclear left leg symbolize the military culture of the United States in this time. The irony comes from the title. Despite all these problems the United States still claim to be "Liberators."

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Words Hurt

In this picture there is a hand around a young boy's neck. The hand is made up of mean and offensive words and it is making him cry. I believe this picture is trying to say that words hurt. Many times we don't realize how our words can affect others and we tend to be insensitive towards other people's feelings. Words have the potential to hurt more than physical pain. A cut will heal in a few weeks but whenever someone hurts your feelings you will always remember it even if you forgive them. You don't know how sensitive a person is and your words may affect them differently.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Advertisement Posters

These posters are made from an organization called World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). On the bottom of the poster on the left, it says that, “19.6kg of different resources including wood are spent on 1 roll of bumf production. Wood-feeling conduces to huge gullies expanding, animal migration and extinction, planet lungs annihilation. Excessive paper expending is killing the Earth.” But the toilet paper and plastic bottle itself signifies a lot even without the description. On the poster on the right, it states that, “Time is running out from them, not for plastic.”

Purpose: It is to arouse our attention to nature and to conserve papers. It also reminds us about things that we used inadvertently; things like water, energy, use of plastic, not recycling correctly, etc.  The poster on the right is delivering a message of our usage of plastic which is causing extinction and destruction of nature.

Aesthetic impression: Left- It is using a toilet paper to portray the Earth. This is the top side of earth shown along with the details of geographic colors. Right- there is a rhino inside the plastic bottle trying to get out from the plastic bottle.

Creativity: Left- this poster makes us think that the trees and other resources are rapidly diminishing as we use/finish this toilet paper. Right- The plastic bottle is twisted and it is causing rhino to choke from it.

Economic feasibility: This environmental organization gives us a message to lessen the usage of plastic and natural resources.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Melanin Picture

Melanin Picture  Analysis

The painting is by an anonymous author. It consists of three African-American women with different skin tones. Looking at the picture you can see the lighter-skinned girl at the top right corner, the medium brown-skinned girl in the middle left, and the darker-skinned at the center of the bottom. The author portrays this as how skin tones are depicted in society. Among the African-American community people with lighter skin tones are seen as the most beautiful. It is a controversial topic with the history dating back to slavery. The lighter skinned people always had better jobs and were treated with a little more decency then those that were darker. Due to circumstances of slavery,  people with skin tones that appeared lighter or close to the "European glow" were deemed as more attractive. It is common for darker-skinned people to be made fun of because of the color of  their skin. There are so many discrepancies in what is deemed acceptable in society regarding the color of your skin. All of their eyes being closed ties in to the mood and tone of the painting. It makes the ambiance of this piece slightly darker and innocent. When your eyes are shut, you shield out the world and your surroundings. The eyes are known as the gateway to the soul, so in this picture it symbolizes the absence of that characteristic. The envious nature of this topic makes us less inhumane to one another. It makes us blind to judgment. We can't see that we are all the same despite of our diverse skin shades.  Blindness prevents us from seeing the truth about the nature of a person.  Overall this unique painting gives us awareness about mindset of society in relation to skin tones in the African-American community.


This photo reflects the effects that war has on people. In the photo, the soldier in the bandanna is being comforted by another soldier. The soldier in the bandanna must've heard some bad news or experienced something that would make him break down. To the left of the photo, you can see another man who doesn't seem like he's in a good mood either. When you think of war, it's common to assume soldiers are the tough and aren't affected much emotionally. This picture helps us come to terms that soldiers are human too and go through many emotions while going through combat. Many soldiers come home with PTSD because of what they experience. The soldiers might've been staying in that environment as they have sand bags and cots. The soldiers might feel homesick and is crying because he misses his home or family.  

The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

See adjacent text.           

Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa (1503), the picture on the left, is an iconic painting, often referred to as enigmatic because no one knows who the subject of the painting is. The color scheme further conveys the mystery surrounding the painting; despite the appearance of blue, orange, and golden-yellow, the colors are fashioned in a way that makes them appear neutral and  dark. The subject's face is a closed-mouth, slight smile that can be described as if she is withholding a secret.

The painting on the right, however, adds an entirely different slant to the significance of the original. It is called Mujer de mano de Leonardo Abince and was found during a restoration project in 2012. At first, it was credited as one of da Vinci's paintings, but was later attributed to being a painting by one of his young pupils. Many have speculated that the painting depicts a younger version of the original. Such youth is expressed with the use of  colors such as red, blue, and white - none of which appear neutral, but rather bold, compared to the original. While being reserved an modest is associated with being older, being bold and adventurous is associated with being younger.

              Perhaps, the paintings have nothing to do with youth and aging, but life and death instead. In the pupil's painting the subject's cheeks are reddish as if she still has blood pumping through her veins whereas the original looks as if her skin tone is the same throughout as if she is pale and lifeless. That would explain the grim background in the original versus the lively one in the pupil's painting.