Friday, November 4, 2016


The film Zootopia had several controversial themes that reflected on our society today. One of the themes that was highlighted was stereotyping. All of the animals in their world were automatically assumed to have a certain character or work a certain job depending on what animal they were. For example, the fox, Nick, was assumed to be sneaky and untrustworthy because of the stereotypical idea that foxes are conniving. Although it turned out that he was, in fact, a con artist, we saw that it wasn't because he was a fox that he ended up that way, it was due to society telling him that that was who he was. Also, the main character, Judy, is stereotyped by society as a weak bunny who will always just be a carrot farmer. A part of the plot in the movie is her overcoming that stereotype and becoming the first "prey" police officer. By the end of the movie, we see that there are prey animals as well as predators in the police force which shows us that anyone can become anything they want, no matter what stereotype is placed upon them. Another large theme in Zootopia is corruption. We see the corruption at several points throughout the movie, for example when Chief Bogo would not allow Judy to do any real police work and attempted to get her fired simply because she was a prey. Also, when the mayor was covering up for the predators "going savage" due to his personal conflictions in it. And perhaps the biggest corruption in the film; the assistant mayor turning the prey against the predator by causing them to "go savage". The film is filled with governmental corruption and manipulation of the people which you can't help but notice is relflecting on the world today.

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