Friday, October 21, 2016

"Analyzing Abstract" by Linda Apple

“Analyzing Abstract” by Linda Apple

Hello. This is me analyzing a painting of a man analyzing a painting. It’s an ironic painting right? The painting actually only becomes ironic once the viewer decides to analyze it.

The genre of the painting is a portrait because the focus of the painting is a person, but the sculpture and paintings within the painting are abstract. The subject comes across as a modest, scholarly man. His position clearly indicates that the he is in deep thought with the painting he stands in front of: hand on his chin, his left foot leans towards the painting to symbolize that he is welcoming it in "conversation" (it is said that in group situations, people’s feet face toward the people they are welcoming in conversation). What the viewers are left to interpret is what this man is thinking. He could easily be a self-conscious person who knows he’s being analyzed so he’s making himself appear as though he is deep in thought and cares about understanding the abstract painting. Although, he could also be looking at the painting and thinking about what it means to him and how he can relate the art to his past life-choices.

What this painting means to me is that all art is meant to satisfy the viewer... if the viewer takes the time to find meaning, especially abstract art as it is often made fun of for having ridiculous value for its appearance.  

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