Friday, October 21, 2016

Police Brutality

Blog Post 3: Illustrative analysis
Police brutality has been one of the biggest issues facing our country. From the spiteful stop and frisk to reckless killings of innocent civilians. Furthermore, a great deal of the victims of police brutality have been of the African American nationality. The picture above does a great job of emphasizing on the racial component. As we all know, African Americans were at one point considered less than a human or slaves. The word Negro was once used to belittle or even ridicule slaves in the early years of our country history. Even today, we see the word still brings about an unpleasant atmosphere. I believe the illustrator’s use of the word is justified because of its context. The gentleman holding the rifle is a common children’s cartoon character known as Elmer Fudd. He is notorious for hunting fellow animals in a cartoon. Another interesting part of this political cartoon is the clothes Fudd is wearing. He is dressed in modern day police uniform. This is one of the most important parts of this cartoon because it portrays law enforcement as uneducated. Elmer Fudd is not the brightest fellow, which I believe is suggesting police as the same. Once you combine these three parts, it really drives home a message. Not only are African Americans dying unlawfully at the hands of law officials, but those who are wearing a badge are not properly educated. Lastly I would like to point out the fact that Fudd is frowning. This is indicative of aggression, another fault of law enforcement. The constant use of excessive force leaves questions. One may wonder if the crime matched the consequence or if other emotional factors hindered the officer’s decision. All in All, this picture does a great job of comically detailing an issue.

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