Friday, October 21, 2016

Image Analysis: The Scream by Edward Munch

“The Scream” was painted Edward Munch in 1893 and continues to be revered. At first glance, you notice that there is a bald man dressed in black. Though if you look closer your able to notice a few key details about this man. The first thing that you’ll notice is a man screaming at something. This man also has his hands on his face while he is yelling. His facial expressions also allude the man might be shocked about something that just happened recently.  There are also other key details about this painting, surrounding the screaming man. That would be the   other two men found in this painting. One of the people is looking at the screaming man with the other man having his head turned back. All three
of the people are on a bridge, but there is some distance between screaming man and other two men. There's also a small lake on the side with a boat on it. A key feature of this painting is that the colors seem to be gloomy and depressing. The only bright color used is orange and yellow, for the sky. Munch probably did this to symbolize that the day is over or beginning. All in all this painting uniqueness is why it's cherished by many even 100 years later.
Discussion Questions:
 1. Why do you believe this man is screaming?
2.  Is there a reason why this man is dressed in black?

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