Friday, September 9, 2016

Mattress Store Uses Offensive 9/11 Ad

As everyone knows, the fifteen year anniversary of 9/11 is approaching. Every year, Americans honor and mourn the lives lost on that day. On September 9th, a mattress store located in Texas, Miracle Mattress, was forced to close due to the negative uproar caused by a controversial 9/11 promotional video posted on Twitter by the store. The video advertised a "Twin Towers" sale, in which every size mattress would cost the same price as a twin mattress. At the end of the 21 second ad, two men fall onto two stacks of mattresses with an American flag positioned in the background, posed to insinuate the appearance of the Twin Towers. After the tower of mattresses have fallen, the saleswomen sardonically adds, "We'll never forget". Obviously, this advertisement was highly criticized by the public. One Facebook user commented, "This makes me and countless other Americans sick. With as many people who were involved in the making of that video, not one blew the whistle? Not one person thought it was a bad idea? Poor judgment". The tragedy that was the September 11 attack is not something to be joked about or used as a selling point. Also, as the person on Facebook added, how could this video have possibly been approved to be aired? Who thought it would be a good idea to use one of the most devastating terrorist attacks in American history as a catch line to sell mattresses? Since the airing of the video, the store has apologized several times and closed down the shop.
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