Friday, September 9, 2016

Palestinians want a state without jews? Irony.

"Israel's prime minister has rejected international criticism of West Bank settlement construction, equating it to "ethnic cleansing" of Jews and insisting the settlements are not an obstacle to peace." Isn't that a bit of an irony considering there are historic records (from the Hebrew bible) of Jew descendants from Israel who then settled in the between Mediterranean coast and the Jordan river. (The Hebrew bible refers to them as "The children of Israel").
The Irony of the situation gets even worse when you consider only two years back - The same prime minister said that 
 The Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem will always be part of Israel. 

Netanyahu the same prime minister who supported for Jew settlement around Jerusalem only two years back, is now stating that  "Palestinians leadership actually demands a Palestinian state with one precondition: No Jews." (a part of the first article)
Now; it is easy to object saying that he referred only to 
Palestinian leadership, and not anything about Israel and settlements outside Palestine as a whole; but when we consider this article that was published two years back, when Sweden, along with the rest of the world wanted to consider Palestine as a separate state, we find that Netanyahu was against the entire idea. 

Now, let us think back; is this not a more diplomatic or "democratic" way of whatever happened in Germany during WW2 - "An ethnic cleansing" of jews? (During WW2 Jews in Germany were branded and then were moved to the Warsaw ghetto. After which most of them were sent to Auschwitz. I would personally recommend one to watch the movie "the pianist" if they already haven't) 
So, my question is - Is it morally right for anyone to brand an entire group of people and then mobilize them out of a territory, just because they have the power to?
If one would then refer to the war and bloodshed the Jews and Palestinians were causing; This article explains (If not all, the notion behind) the original feud between Palestinians and Israelis, of which; Jews never were a part.

Also, I find it kind of disturbing that an article about North Korea banning sarcasm because Kim Jong-un fears people only agree to him ironically - was thrice as long as our original article about the banning of Jews.      

P.S. I know this is my second blog post in this week, but coming across a news like this, I couldn't find a better reason not to post. 

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