Saturday, September 10, 2016

Sports Drama

Blog post 1:
            Colin Kaepernick was once famously known for being one of the most elite quarterbacks in the league, and leading his team to an NFC division championship and a super bowl appearance. But recently he’s been known for his very controversial protest to raise awareness for minority groups. On August 26, a preseason game versus the San Diego chargers the San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick failed to stand during the pledge.  Quickly he receive much criticism and backlash for this because it was seen as dis respectful to the flag and very unpatriotic. He then spoke out on the issue and stated that not in any way did he mean to be disrespectful but something needed to be done and people needed to be aware of the injustice that has been taking place. Although initially responses were very negative towards his actions now many other NFL players have followed Colin in also kneeling during the national anthem. I found it to be quite ironic that many times famous athletes and actors are criticized for not taking action and speaking out but when one does he is bashed for it. Also to Kaepernick’s defense no protest is recognized without being criticized, but he definitely got people’s attention.

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