Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Bullying of Little Black Girls

Even as little children, young black girls are still somehow judged off their appearances. Children are the most innocent group of human beings but yet little black girls are seen as the complete opposite. Black girls are subject to some of the worst criticism and hyper-sexualization even as children and are continually exposed to these attitudes as they grow up. For example, the four year old child of Beyonce Knowles and Sean “Jay-Z” Carter, Blue Ivy, has unfortunately been subject to these criticisms since her birth in 2012. Recently, the Video Music Awards aired and as usual Beyonce and Blue Ivy were the topic of conversation on social media. Blue Ivy was dressed in a princess gown adorned by a tiara on her head. Simple and extremely cute for a child her age. However, some of the comments on Twitter were extremely rude and just not ok. One comment stated, “So are we all just supposed to pretend that Blue Ivy isn’t ugly as hell forever?” What exactly makes a person call a four year old child dressed in a fairy princess gown ugly? This is the type of mind set that robs little black girls of the innocence and doesn’t allow them to love themselves as black girls should. It’s as if these critics say, “How dare little black girls love themselves and be happy?” These comments lead black girls to feel insecure and feel as if they will never be in enough in this society. Black girls of any age should be able to feel confident about themselves no matter what they have on.

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