Friday, September 30, 2016

"Rusty Cage" by Soundgarden

Rusty Cage

"Rusty Cage" by Soundgarden's Chris Cornell is a song about finally releasing trapped anger. The lyrics begin by speaking directly to his rage: 

You wired me awake

And hit me with a hand of broken nails
You tied my lead and pulled my chain
To watch my blood begin to boil

Here is the only moment in the song he addresses his anger, but because it is at the beginning we know that this is his "audience". He feels enslaved by his feelings, hence his "chain". The music video subtly shows chains that reside in his cage. Next we have the chorus. It's quite simple but to the point:

I'm gonna break

I'm gonna break my
I'm gonna break my rusty cage and run

His anger has trapped him for a long time, which explains why he is in a rusty cage. The music video a physical cage (an old shed in the middle of a field) in a time lapse, signifying how time has been going by holding in his rage. As a representation of his feelings, both the video and the song make reference to fire and burning several times.

The video also features a character driving a truck, symbolizing how he is taking control of his anger. By the end of the video the truck drives through and tears down the cage.

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